Monday, December 15, 2008

freoww weow

Meowmeow meow meow meow. Wrowwww meow bwowww rauuur. Meowmeowmeow. Meow wrow weowwwwww. Meow meowmeow wrowwwroww. Meow meow wrowwwww. Wrowwww meow bwowww rauuur. Meow rauuur meow. Meow wrow weowwwwww.


Brian said...

you know, i think you're right, kitty. kim jong-il would be down with that guy's plate of possum. i never thought of it that way before.

Donkey & Baby Bird Hippo said...

Obviously this is a political statement on the underfed masses in Africa, Southeast Asia and New Jersey. Kitty your transparent view of cuisine for your own sick pleasure is most admirable.